Photoshop. So much bad but the occassional good makes up for it.
"Minds are like parachutes. They work best when open."
According to a recent article posted at CareerBuilder.com, roughly one in ten workers has a “work spouse.” A work spouse, for those of you not in the know, is “…a co-worker of the opposite sex with whom you have a close, platonic relationship.”
“But in the past, they have simply turned out to be bits of ice or errant plastic bags floating out of the payload bay.”
Further enhancing the Dems chances is the failure of the Republicans to put forth a true “champion of the Right.” Those on the Left must have been giddy when they saw the Republican field and downright ecstatic when John McCain was chosen the nominee – the same John McCain that Bush and his minions attacked viciously in 2000 as being utterly incapable of holding the highest office in the land. How in the world could the conservative base back a candidate they completely shredded not even a decade ago – a candidate that right-wing windbags even today refuse to support? Less than a year from the election and there is no solidarity on the Right. No wave of support like that enjoyed by Shrub in 2000 and 2004. Yes, once again it seems that only a monumental fuck-up could keep the Dems from winning back the White House.
Enter Hilly.
After the two recent primaries it seems all but certain that Barack Obama will win enough delegates to claim the nomination. One would think that, as a true Democrat with the party’s, and nation’s, interest at heart Hilly would concede the race and move on with the task of getting her party back in power; that she would give credit where credit is due, quickly endorse Obama and mobilize her team towards the fight with McCain.
Not quite.
Apparently she’s staying in it until the end no matter what the delegate count - an ironic bit of Bush-like stubbornness in the face of failure to be sure.
The last four months have shown that Hilly could give a rat’s posterior about the overall well-being of her party or its chances to emerge victorious come November. Her wishy-washiness in regards to
Six months ago I had reservations about the party putting forth either a woman or a black man. I wasn’t sure our country, despite our fondness to claim otherwise, had come far enough as a society to elect anything other than a white man as President. I wondered how the Right would attack them – what new level Karl Rove or whoever fills his slimy shoes would stoop to. Now it appears they may not have to. The Dems seem on a pace to completely destroy themselves yet again. And heading up this effort, the wife of the person that did it so well last time.
Talk about a dynasty.