Far and away the most entertaining item unwrapped at the Palmer house this year wasn't a particular gift, per se, but rather the packaging from which it came. I'm speaking of something my nephew received called a Radio Control Skateboard Flyer.
This product is truly amazing. How amazing, you ask? Let's go right to the box:

Look in any toy store across this great land and you'll probably find hundreds of gadgets featuring a, "21 CENTURY NEW DESIGN ALL NEW ADDITION!" but a, "FLASHING ENTER!" as well?

While many toys out there are battery operated and quite a few can proclaim that they are of high quality, how many can boast they are top-hole?

Not only can you GO AHEAD, you can do it REELINGLY.

Safety is important during the holidays so please, dot not put this toy in water.

As instructed, the packaging was retained for future reference.
Apologies for not having a photo of the actual toy which, despite it's zombie-like skin-tone and fluorescent-orange eyebrows worked quite well - as long as you're not one of those unreasonable people that insist your radio-controlled device do anything other than spin in a circle.
1 comment:
Very entertaining. You don't suppose other countries laugh at our attempts at translation, do you?
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